This chapter includes the following articles.
Country Profile

Dubai’s resilience in the years following the global economic downturn has helped to re-build confidence amongst the global business community. As of mid-2013 the emirate had a population of 2.16m, nearly 45% of whom were 29 years old or younger, and efforts continue to ensure that the young population is adequately trained and educated to take part in the jobs becoming available. Dubai has set itself the target of reaching 20m visitors per year by 2020, and the emirate received a major boost towards achieving this goal when its bid to host World Expo 2020 was accepted in November 2013. With the population forecast to grow to 3m by 2020 and 25m attendees expected for Expo 2020, the emirate is focusing on boosting transport options and the hospitality sector. Indeed, the successful bid for the 2020 World Expo and the strength of the GCC market as a whole makes the outlook for Dubai very positive.
This chapter contains interviews with: Sheikha Lubna bint Khalid bin Sultan Al Qasimi, Minister of International Cooperation and Development; Sindoso Ngwenya, Secretary-General, Common Market for Eastern & Southern Africa; and a viewpoint from Boris Johnson, Mayor of London.