Middle East Economic Research and Investment Reports

The Middle East

Never far from the headlines, the region faces a number of significant political and economic challenges. Amidst this, however, the economies of the Middle East offer numerous opportunities for investors, across all sectors. 

The countries of the Middle East loosely fall into two categories – those with hydrocarbons and those without. 

OBG’s coverage explores both types individually on a sector-by-sector basis, highlighting the opportunities and challenges they present – particularly in an era of low oil prices.

The region’s strategic geographic position between established markets in Europe and emerging markets in Africa and Asia promises to continue providing opportunities in the transport and logistics sector.

With expanding populations, rapidly changing economies, new investment laws and improved regulatory environments, the region cannot be ignored.

OBG's reports on the Middle East are essential reading for anyone interested in making an investment or researching projects in any of the markets we cover.


See also:

Report: The road to a zero-emission automotive industry in the Middle East and Africa

Interviews & Viewpoints

OBG & The Middle East

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