Continuando una serie de reformas a los servicios de salud durante los últimos dos años, Perú ha avanzado en la ampliación de la cobertura de los seguros y mejoras a la salud pública. Estas medidas se tomaron en conjunto con agencias internacionales para fortalecer los servicios de emergencia y el control de enfermedades.
Interviews & Viewpoints | Hasan Ulusoy, Chairman, Nobel laç: Interview from The Report: Turkey 2015
What can be done to enhance the performance of Turkey’s pharmaceuticals industry both domestically and in the wider region?
Articles & Analysis | Turkey's health sector indicators improving under the government's Health Transformation Programme from The Report: Turkey 2015
Great strides have been made in Turkey’s health care sector since 2003, when the government launched its far-reaching Health Transformation Programme (HTP). The HTP eventually led to the establishment of universal health insurance, while opening services and private hospitals to the majority of Turks. Improvements in patient satisfaction and health indicators have been...
Great strides have been made in Turkey’s health care sector since 2003, when the government launched its far-reaching Health Transformation Programme (HTP). The HTP eventually led to the establishment of universal health insurance, while opening services and private hospitals to the majority of Turks. Improvements in patient satisfaction and health indicators have been steady, with infant and...
Despite some recent turbulence, Turkey has strong fundamentals that underscore its potential for long-term economic growth. With a young population of 77.7m, a strategic location within four hours’ flying time of 1.5bn consumers and a diversified economy, the country has much to offer investors.
Substance abuse is becoming a growing weight on the economy of Abu Dhabi, as it is across the region. However, increased spending on both prevention and treatment may help reduce the burden and repay the investment into tackling this problem many times over.