The accession of King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud in January 2015 was the start of a new chapter for the Kingdom, and with the fall in global oil prices and continued regional turbulence there are undoubtedly challenges to be met. However, domestic stability, combined with the government’s commitment to major development projects and sustained focus on economic diversification, indicate a positive overall outlook for the country moving forward.
Dernière étape de la mise en place d’une couverture universelle au Maroc, une nouvelle loi sur l'assurance maladie devrait prendre effet au début de l'année scolaire, étendant la couverture médicale aux étudiants des universités et des centres de formation professionnelle.
Interviews & Viewpoints | Hubert de Ruty, President, Maroc Innovation et Santé: Interview from The Report: Morocco 2015
Articles & Analysis | Morocco passes new legislation to offer more private sector investment in health from The Report: Morocco 2015
Significant advances have been made in improving health care in Morocco in recent years, including the extension of medical coverage and a substantial reduction in infant mortality rates. As the expansion of state-funded medical coverage boosts access to health care for a growing number of people, health facilities are increasingly under...
Although total expenditure on health per capita has stayed fairly constant in Morocco, advances have been made to improve the provision and delivery of health care. A 2011 constitutional amendment enshrined access to health care as a basic right, with increasing amounts of public financing going towards expanding health services, although work remains to extend coverage to uninsured segments...
Benefitting from strong ties to both Europe and the Arab world, Morocco has the right ingredients for future growth: low inflation, political stability, an industrial base and a favourable climate. With the outlook improving for Morocco’s trade partners and the lower price of oil – of which the country is a net importer – most observers expect growth to be even stronger in 2015, with estimates ranging from 4.4% to 5.0%.