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A controversial draft Minerals Law that the government hopes will steer Mongolia’s mining industry into a new era has divided opinion across the country, with supporters highlighting the need for change, while critics say its implementation could put the industry’s future at risk.
Talk of a slowdown is rarely distanced from discussion of India’s current economic climate. However, carmakers and component manufacturers, who have flocked to the subcontinent since 1983, remain confident in the long-term economic health of the country.
A pesar de la inmensa riqueza mineral del Perú y las grandes inversiones planificadas para el sector minero en el corto plazo, los conflictos sociales y otros asuntos normativos han generado un retraso en la producción que, de no resolverse rápidamente, podrían desalentar a los futuros inversionistas.
With the elections now largely over, barring the final resolution of a handful of court cases contesting the results, Ghana’s government has a backlog of decisions to make, and one of the sectors that will be affected by this is mining.
The mining sector is one of Myanmar’s biggest earners, and the government is keen to entice more foreign investors to support its development. Reforms to the 1994 mining law should help ease restrictions on ownership, which will benefit international and domestic firms alike. However, a number of proposed changes to the law, as well as highly publicised protests at local mines, may lessen the sector’s appeal to some investors.
Como uno de los centros logísticos más importantes del mundo, Panamá cuenta con varias ventajas sobre sus pares regionales en la competencia por establecer una industria manufacturera con valor agregado. Si bien otros sectores como el turismo y las finanzas lideran el crecimiento económico, los nichos de manufactura especializados enfocados en productos de valor agregado muestran un gran potencial de desarrollo.

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