This chapter includes the following articles.
Education & Health

Since Myanmar’s democratic transition began in 2011, the education sector has undergone a significant transformation under successive administrations. Higher government spending and the easing of restrictions on foreign investment in private schools have paved the way for increased enrolment rates and improvements in education infrastructure. Despite these developments, notable demographic and regional disparities remain. Closing these gaps and ensuring equal opportunities is necessary to improve the country’s education system.
Myanmar’s health care sector has grown considerably in recent years as a result of higher public expenditure and increasing foreign direct investment. Aside from implementing a range of reforms, the Ministry of Health has been proactive in delivering programmes aimed at fighting both communicable and non-communicable diseases nationwide. However, as the country gears up to achieve universal provision by 2030, significant issues still remain.
This chapter includes an interview with Dr Watson Aphiwatanakoon, CEO and Hospital Director, Ar Yu International Hospital.