This chapter includes the following articles.

Supported by a favourable geographic location between Africa and Europe, vast array of natural resources and improved business environment, Morocco’s economy has made important strides over the past decade. Investment in export-oriented manufacturing industries is gradually allowing the country to diversify its economic output. In hand with this, years of investment in infrastructure have strengthened transport and logistics links across the country, facilitating domestic and international trade. However, Morocco continues to face a number of economic challenges. Annual growth rates remain intrinsically linked to agricultural production. In addition, persistent unemployment rates, have prevented large segments of the population from joining the middle class, and subsequently spurred the emigration of qualified graduates and professionals abroad. Aiming to avoid economic stagnation and facing growing demand for more inclusive growth, the authorities have focused on leveraging the positive results achieved through past policies for a renovated growth model. This chapter contains interviews with Mohamed Benchaâboun, Minister of Economy and Finance; and Hicham Boudraa, Acting Managing Director, Moroccan Investment and Export Development Agency.