Ghana’s cocoa industry has enjoyed a bumper crop this year, on the back of favourable weather conditions. During the most recent primary harvest period, from September 2010 through May 2011, the...
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Displaying 4021 to 4026 of 6094
Economic Update | Ghana: Fertile soil
16 Sep 2011
Economic Update | Perú: Expansión en el sector de manufactura
16 Sep 2011
En la última década, el sector industrial y de manufactura peruano se ha expandido sostenidamente junto con su creciente economía. Se espera que la economía siga creciendo a paso fuerte (se prevé un...
Economic Update | Maroc : Dynamiser les marchés
13 Sep 2011
Les marchés financiers marocains ont globalement connu un répit en 2011, malgré la bonne performance et les perspectives prometteuses de certaines sociétés clés dans les domaines bancaire et...
Economic Update | Saudi Arabia: Economic development
12 Sep 2011
Saudi Arabia’s economy looks set for a period of sustained growth, with oil revenues remaining high, non-hydrocarbons exports on the rise and the effects of a massive investment programme by the...
Economic Update | Oman: Pedal to the metal
12 Sep 2011
With a recent milestone achieved in aluminium production and major expansions planned in the steel sector, Oman is becoming an increasingly prominent player in the global metals industry.
Economic Update | Qatar: Bank balance
8 Sep 2011
International ratings agencies and analysts have given Qatar’s banking sector a clean bill of health, though the central bank is keeping an eye on non-performing loans (NPLs), as well as monitoring...