Comme le prouve la demande croissante de matériaux de construction, avec notamment une hausse spectaculaire de 25% des ventes de ciment, le secteur marocain de l’immobilier continue d’afficher une...
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Displaying 3757 to 3762 of 6094
Economic Update | Maroc : Priorité au logement social
7 Mar 2012
Economic Update | Turkey: Connecting continents
7 Mar 2012
Istanbul’s public transport system is set to be radically overhauled by the addition of an underwater transit tunnel, new train stations and a possible third bridge over the Bosphorus. The most...
Economic Update | Egypt: Economic balancing act
7 Mar 2012
Egypt’s government is working to obtain support for a new economic reform package it has prepared to qualify for a $3.2bn loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), though it may be a difficult...
Economic Update | South Africa: Keeping it local
4 Mar 2012
With a slowdown in Europe and North America, which have provided the mainstay of South Africa’s inbound holidaymakers, the tourism sector is now looking to emerging African markets for new sources of...
Economic Update | Algérie : Le gouvernement prend les rênes
1 Mar 2012
L’une des priorités de l’Algérie pour l’année 2012 sera d’accroître les investissements dans l’agriculture, à l’heure où le pays cherche à réduire sa dépendance à l’égard des importations, qui ont...
Economic Update | RAK: Global vision in energy
1 Mar 2012
Local energy firm RAK Petroleum Public Company has put the final touches to a merger deal that gives its shareholders a stake in lucrative operations across the Gulf region and beyond. Last month,...