As the first emirate to introduce a compulsory medical insurance scheme for expatriate workers in 2006, Abu Dhabi has long been a leader in the health care sector. Since then, the Health Authority –...
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Displaying 3637 to 3642 of 6094
Economic Update | Abu Dhabi: Insuring plans for health
2 May 2012
Economic Update | Saudi Arabia: Assuring sustained growth
1 May 2012
Saudi Arabia’s economy, already robust after posting growth of 6.8% last year, seems set for a period of sustained expansion, with state-backed investments and higher-than-projected hydrocarbons...
Economic Update | Malaysia: Technology to the fore
1 May 2012
With data use growing strongly and existing capacity under pressure, Malaysia’s broadband network is undergoing necessary expansion to keep up with demand. Indeed, as penetration growth slows,...
Economic Update | RAK: Growing appeal
1 May 2012
The industrial sector in Ras Al Khaimah (RAK) has continued post significant growth in recent years, thanks to a favourable business environment and prudent regulation.
Economic Update | The Philippines: On course for higher growth
30 Apr 2012
A combination of strong consumer demand, increased state investment and sound monetary policy have combined to put the Philippines’ economy on course for a strong performance this year, leading...
Economic Update | Gabon : Investir dans l’avenir
27 Apr 2012
Le produit intérieur brut (PIB) du Gabon, qui poursuit une forte tendance à la hausse amorcée en 2010, devrait progresser de 5.7 % cette année, d’après le Comité monétaire et financier national. L’...