The government is taking a number of measures to strengthen Ghana’s business environment in a bid to reinforce growth as the country struggles with a rising import bill due to a depreciating cedi.
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Displaying 3625 to 3630 of 6094
Economic Update | Ghana: Fostering continued growth
9 May 2012
Economic Update | Algérie : En quête de diversification
8 May 2012
Plusieurs rapports détaillés, publiés par un groupe de chefs d’entreprises et par le Fonds Monétaire International (FMI), ont exposé les mesures que l’Algérie pourrait prendre pour diversifier son...
Economic Update | Papua New Guinea: Brighter metals prospects
8 May 2012
A series of significant mineral finds in Papua New Guinea (PNG) have highlighted the role exports are set to play in the nation’s economic future. However, there have been calls from industry players...
Economic Update | Tunisie : Promouvoir les talents locaux
8 May 2012
Depuis les récentes élections en Tunisie, les hauts fonctionnaires voient sous un nouvel angle les exigences relatives à la passation de marchés et à la participation locale dans le secteur des...
Economic Update | Thailand: Economy on the rebound
7 May 2012
Thailand’s economy appears to be regaining momentum following last year’s devastating floods that adversely affected exports and GDP. Consumer demand is on the rise and the state-backed rebuilding...
Economic Update | Nigeria: Zonal awareness
7 May 2012
While a large number of free zones have been established in Nigeria since the 1990s, offering a host of encouraging regulatory and fiscal incentives and bringing in billions in direct investment,...