The government has vowed to expand the Malaysian vocational education system to help bridge the widening gap between the demand for skilled labour and the available pool of trained workers.
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Displaying 2959 to 2964 of 6094
Economic Update | Malaysia: Broadening the skills base
28 May 2013
Economic Update | Abu Dhabi: Open for business
28 May 2013
A new free zone planned in Abu Dhabi could spur on further investment in the local economy.
Economic Update | Algérie : Encourager les investissements dans le secteur de l’énergie
28 May 2013
Au terme d’un processus de révision qui a duré un an, les amendements apportés au code des hydrocarbures en Algérie ont été publiés en février 2013, offrant de nouveaux avantages aux investisseurs...
Economic Update | Colombia: Incremento en la calificación crediticia
27 May 2013
El movimiento que recientemente realizó Standard & Poors (S&P) con el fin de aumentar la calificación de la deuda externa de Colombia ha sido bien recibido tanto por políticos como por...
Economic Update | Saudi Arabia: Water demands continue to rise
27 May 2013
Wastewater recycling initiatives are expected to play an important part in Saudi Arabia’s efforts to meet rising demand and maximise output, both of which are seen as key ingredients for driving...
Economic Update | Jordan: New tourism challenges
24 May 2013
Despite a rebound in tourism revenues last year, the sector continues to face a difficult operating environment with both regional instability and the potential for increased government taxation...