With economic growth slowing, inflation rising and the currency weakening, Indonesia faces some tough macroeconomic challenges. However, the government has responded to the situation with variety of...
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Displaying 2815 to 2820 of 6094
Economic Update | Indonesia tries to balance growth and inflation
2 Sep 2013
Economic Update | Crece el mercado de la telefonía móvil en Panamá
30 Aug 2013
Si bien durante mucho tiempo Panamá ha sido uno de los mercados más pequeños de América Latina con respecto a las telecomunicaciones, está cobrando relevancia debido a la alta tasa de penetración...
Economic Update | Ghana’s bond sales look encouraging
30 Aug 2013
In late July Ghana held an international bond sale, raising dollar-denominated funds for the second time since 2007, when it became the first country in sub-Saharan Africa to do so. The yield the...
Economic Update | Reconstituer les liquidités dans le secteur bancaire marocain
29 Aug 2013
Soucieuses de renforcer et de diversifier leurs sources de revenus, les trois principales banques du Maroc prévoient de contracter des emprunts sur les marchés de capitaux internationaux en 2013.
Economic Update | Thailand seeks balance between growth and debt
29 Aug 2013
The Thai government has unveiled a new package of measures aimed at promoting economic activity and maintaining growth at up to 5%, though opinions are mixed whether the stimulus programme will be...
Economic Update | Wage debate in the Philippines intensifies
28 Aug 2013
Foreign firms have objected to trade union proposals to raise the minimum wage, fearing this will cost the Philippines its competitive edge in what is an increasingly tough global investment climate...