While Jordan’s tourism industry continues to labour under the weight of regional instability, with official figures showing a 14% decline in the number of visitors in 2013, a variety of novel...
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Displaying 2563 to 2568 of 6094
Economic Update | Planning a comeback for Jordan’s tourism industry
19 Mar 2014
Economic Update | Croissance à l’horizon pour le secteur minier gabonais
18 Mar 2014
Avec deux importants projets à l’horizon, le Gabon devrait enregistrer une hausse significative de ses recettes d’exportations minérales, ce qui contribuera à réduire la dépendance du gouvernement...
Economic Update | Se avecinan reformas en el sector de la salud en Colombia
18 Mar 2014
The introduction of pharmaceutical price controls is the latest move by the Colombian government in its commitment to reduce health care costs, while the pharmaceutical industry claims that faces...
Economic Update | Brunei Darussalam to build ICT opportunities
17 Mar 2014
Proposed regulatory reforms are set to give a boost to Brunei Darussalam’s information and communications technology sector, an area of the economy that the government has targeted for growth.
Economic Update | Retour de la production algérienne en pleine hausse de la consommation
17 Mar 2014
L’Algérie a lancé un nouvel appel d’offres combinant pétrole et gaz dans l’espoir de redynamiser les activités d’exploration face aux préoccupations suscitées par l’inadéquation entre production...
Economic Update | Mongolia boosts support for SMEs
13 Mar 2014
New measures announced by the Mongolian government aimed at lowering the tax burden for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) should serve as an incentive for private sector operators to expand,...