A favourable court ruling has cleared the way for local petrochemicals firm Methanol Holdings (Trinidad) Limited (MHTL) to resume exports of melamine to the US.
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Displaying 1855 to 1860 of 6094
Economic Update | US market access restored for melamine producers in Trinidad & Tobago
25 Feb 2016
Economic Update | Bahrain capitalises on tourism title
24 Feb 2016
New investments in the hospitality sector and efforts to raise Bahrain’s international profile should drive tourism growth in 2016, broadening the kingdom’s appeal as a destination for travellers...
Economic Update | Tunisie : Pallier la pénurie de logements
23 Feb 2016
Le marché immobilier tunisien est l’un des mieux positionnés de la région. En effet, le pays affiche un taux d’accession à la propriété élevé et dispose d’un secteur hypothécaire bien rôdé. Toutefois...
Economic Update | Qatari GTL to defend market share
22 Feb 2016
Rising demand, an expanding product range and innovative new applications for gas-to-liquids (GTL) products should help Qatar maintain growth in its GTL industry, bucking declines in conventional...
Economic Update | Saudi Arabian industries feel the pinch
21 Feb 2016
A continued scaling back on energy, feedstock and utilities subsidies is likely to impact earnings in Saudi Arabia’s industrial sector, potentially reducing its long-held competitive edge.
Economic Update | Le Gabon met les bouchées doubles en matière d’infrastructures de transport
20 Feb 2016
Dans un contexte de chute des prix du pétrole, le Gabon s’attèle à rénover ses infrastructures de transport, lançant toute une série de nouveaux projets destinés à accélérer les efforts de...