Un accord portant sur l’ouverture d’une nouvelle centrale solaire symbolise la dernière mesure prise par l’Algérie afin d’accroître la production d’électricité renouvelable et de réduire sa...
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Displaying 1543 to 1548 of 6094
Economic Update | L'Algérie à l'heure du photovoltaïque
26 Nov 2016
Economic Update | La Tunisie mise sur des réformes législatives pour attirer les investisseurs étrangers et financer sa politique de développement
26 Nov 2016
La récente réforme du cadre juridique régissant l’investissement en Tunisie devrait entraîner une hausse des investissements directs étrangers (IDE) dans le pays, ce qui permettra de répondre en...
Economic Update | Dubai’s foreign trade steady in challenging environment
26 Nov 2016
Despite the slow pace of economic recovery by many of its key partners, Dubai’s non-oil foreign trade has maintained solid momentum, with direct exports on the rise.
Economic Update | Thailand’s retailers on the long road to recovery
25 Nov 2016
A gradual recovery of the Thai economy should spur greater activity in the country’s retail sector, though it will take time for the market to regain momentum, with consumer sentiment still cool and...
Economic Update | Indonesia’s retailers heading for sales boost
25 Nov 2016
Steady economic growth, rising disposable income levels and cheaper credit are set to spur activity in Indonesia’s retail sector through to the end of the year and into 2017.
Economic Update | Bahrain to expand social housing stock
24 Nov 2016
A number of new developments and initiatives are deepening Bahrain’s pool of government housing, offering opportunities for a wide range of investors and industries.