How important are non-traditional markets for boosting investment in the city of Buenos Aires?
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Economic View | Alejo Baltasar Rodríguez Cacio, General Director, investBA
27 Aug 2017
Economic Update | Rising exports contribute to increased vehicle sales in South Africa
25 Aug 2017
Improved sales in key segments of South Africa’s automotive industry point to a modest rebound in domestic demand, though much of the growth in the sector stemmed from rising exports.
Economic Update | Abu Dhabi expands water conservation and treatment initiatives
24 Aug 2017
Given its arid climate and limited groundwater reserves, Abu Dhabi is in the process of ramping up efforts around both water conservation and wastewater treatment.
Economic Update | Argentina busca reformar las regulaciones mineras para fomentar el crecimiento del sector
24 Aug 2017
El esfuerzo del gobierno para estandarizar los requerimientos y regulaciones de la minería nacional, junto con otras reformas, pudiera estimular el crecimiento de esa industria en Argentina.
Economic Update | Bond issuance among efforts to improve Bahrain’s fiscal position
24 Aug 2017
The kingdom of Bahrain launched another round of conventional bond and sukuk (Islamic bond) issuances last month, as the government looks to bridge projected fiscal deficits for both this year and...
Economic Update | Côte d’Ivoire : une nouvelle centrale hydroélectrique pour libérer le potentiel d’énergie propre
22 Aug 2017
La Côte d’Ivoire a fait un pas en avant dans son ambition de doubler sa capacité de production électrique et de promouvoir sa filière des énergies propres grâce à l’ouverture partielle de la centrale...