Peru Transport

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Over the past decade Peru has seen a period of transformative growth, effectively positioning it as one of the leading economic performers in Latin America. Posting growth rates in excess of 6% from 2010-12, the economy expanded by a further 5.1% in the first half of 2013.

Chapter | Transport & Logistics from The Report: Peru 2014

Transport and logistics infrastructure in Peru has not kept pace with the high level of economic growth. According to a report released by the Association to Promote National Infrastructure in October 2012, $88bn in investment will be necessary over the period 2012-21 to close the existing infrastructure gap, a move essential for continued economic development. To this end, in 2011 the government...
El desarrollo de los puertos marítimos del Perú continúa gracias a la adjudicación de la concesión del Terminal Portuario General San Martín de Pisco –cuya finalización está prevista para finales de 2013- y a la ampliación de la terminal norte del Callao, la cual prosigue su marcha.

Chapter | Transport & Logistics from The Report: Peru 2012

With more than 2400 km of Pacific coastline, Peru is well placed to take advantage of increasing levels of trade in the Asia-Pacific region. As China has overtaken the US as the country’s biggest trading partner, Peru has turned its attention to improving transport and logistics to facilitate the flow of Asia-bound exports. For example, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications in late...
Todo aquel que ha vivido o visitado Lima está al tanto de los problemas de tráfico de la ciudad. La congestión vehicular no es sólo un problema para las personas que usan este medio, también mella en la productividad y presenta serios riesgos a la salud. Según algunas estimaciones, la congestión vehicular cuesta mil millones de dólares anualmente en pérdidas de producción y problemas de salud relacionados a la contaminación.

Economic development over the past decade has in part been driven by the rising demand for exports from Peru’s expanding extractive industries, as well as its diverse agriculture sector. Thus, in 2005 the National Port Authority (Autoridad Portuaria Nacional, APN), with the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MTC), released Peru’s...

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