The “Golden Land”, officially known as the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and formerly as Burma, has undergone dramatic reforms in recent years under the administration of President U Thein Sein. The rapid transition from a military junta to an open economy has surprised the global community and will see Myanmar assume the ASEAN chair for the first time in 2014.
Articles & Analysis | Turning in motion: Foreign investors set sights on benefitting from reform and low costs from The Report: Myanmar 2014
Myanmar is one of the more promising nations for investment into manufacturing. Wages are some of the lowest in the world, workers are productive and the literacy rate is in the high ninety percentile. In addition, the country is actively targeting manufactured goods after years of isolation, with legal reform and better regulation gathering...
Interviews & Viewpoints | OBG talks to U Maung Myint, Minister of Industry from The Report: Myanmar 2014
How can the Small and Medium Industry Development Policy (SMIDP) ensure the development of local small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)?