Economic update | Mongolia: Investing in health
Economic update | RAK: Health matters
As the Middle East and North Africa’s top health tourism destination, according to the World Bank, Jordan and its medical tourism sector are looking for ways to regain their competitive edge after regional unrest in 2011 impacted revenues. To confront declining medical tourist numbers, Jordan will host two major international health expos in 2012 and will also be promoting its Dead Sea region.
Articles & Analysis | Striking a healthy balance: Growing demand for care and a changing disease profile are driving a decentralised approach from The Report: Indonesia 2012
In recent times, increased life expectancy and reduced infant mortality rates signal vital, important advances in Indonesia’s health care system. Yet these are often offset by the country’s high rates of maternal mortality and child malnutrition. For the 2010-14 period, the government has given health services a series of priorities: improving maternal and child health,...
Interviews & Viewpoints | Dr Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, Minister of Health: Interview from The Report: Indonesia 2012
Articles & Analysis | Pharmaceuticals in play: Rising domestic demand and export potential make the country an increasingly attractive market for drugs firms from The Report: Indonesia 2012
The growth of Indonesia’s middle class has resulted in an increasing demand for branded pharmaceuticals. However, efforts to attract additional foreign investment into the pharmaceuticals industry are hampered by an array of challenges, including price controls, weak intellectual property (IP) law enforcement, corruption, lack of skilled labour and...