Nestled between Iraq and Saudi Arabia in the northwest corner of the Gulf, Kuwait has been a leader of Arab democracy and one of the most liberal nations within the GCC since the country gained independence in 1961. Economically, the country also has a bright future, with strong public finances, a young and well-educated population and vast oil deposits.
Displaying 1291 - 1296 of 1326
Economic update | Turkey: Healthy progress
23 Feb 2012
Major changes are under way in the Turkish health care system in both the private and public sectors. While higher rates of hospital accreditation and a focus on attracting foreign customers is increasing the quality of care in the private sector, more Turkish citizens and permanent residents will be enrolled in the state system, following the institution of a universal health insurance policy.
Chapter | Health and Education from The Report: Mongolia 2012
The health care system in Mongolia is in transition, moving away from a comprehensive yet out-dated Soviet model to a more private sector-focused approach. This shift, combined with the government’s openness to public-private partnerships, indicates an opening for foreign investors to make gains in this sector. Key challenges including fighting non-communicable, lifestyle diseases, and bridging...
The mineral wealth of Mongolia, a vast and isolated land, has brought the world to its doorstep. The country’s economy is one of the fastest growing in the world, and production from and investment in its two largest mines should see GDP growth continue to climb.
Economic update | Kuwait: A healthy prognosis
14 Feb 2012
Development of the health care sector remains a priority for Kuwait, with the government recently signing two agreements with foreign educational institutions that aim to improve training for the country’s medical professionals. While the goal of this type of international collaboration is to enhance the skills of local physicians who work at state-run facilities, the government is also taking steps to create private investment opportunities in health care.
Economic update | Dubai: Planning for health
13 Feb 2012
The focus of Dubai’s health care sector is set to undergo a major shift, with greater emphasis to be placed on prevention rather than treatment, a policy that aims both to better meet the changing needs of the community and also rein in an expanding health budget.