Thanks to business-friendly government policies implemented over the past 10 years Abu Dhabi is now home to a rapidly diversifying economy that is among the largest in the region, with GDP reaching a total of Dh952.68bn ($259.32bn) at current prices in 2014.
A planned desalination project in Tobago looks to be moving forward, as part of broader efforts to ease the impact of water shortages on the island’s residents and economy.
Le démarrage en janvier dernier du chantier de la première centrale électrique de Djibouti marque un tournant important dans le projet ambitieux du pays de se procurer 100% de son électricité à partir d’énergies renouvelables d’ici 2020.
Economic update | Le projet solaire Noor, fer de lance de la stratégie marocaine en matière d’énergie propre
La ville du sud marocain Ouarzazate accueillera bientôt la plus grande centrale solaire d’Afrique et le plus grand complexe solaire thermodynamique (CSP) du monde. Les projets actuellement en préparation représentent une enveloppe globale de 6 milliards de dollars.
Senegal’s population of 16m is situated on the Atlantic Coast of West Africa. With robust and sustained annual economic growth at 6% or above since 2014, and a considerable multifaceted investment and reform programme under way, the country is well positioned to see a sustained influx of foreign capital as economic momentum builds. Senegal’s solid macroeconomic performance is underpinned by its relatively strong and long-running status as one of the most stable countries in the region.
Articles & Analysis | Saudi Arabia makes efforts to reuse urban wastewater for irrigation from The Report: Saudi Arabia 2015
During the Kingdom’s rapid process of urbanisation, the condition of Saudi Arabia’s natural waterways deteriorated. The wadis that first attracted settlers to Riyadh were neglected and their waters rendered undrinkable. These were replaced by desalinated water produced hundreds of kilometres away on the east coast. In Jeddah, flash floods...