Despite the pressure Mexico’s demographic boom has placed on its education system, the sector has made notable progress in the past decade, with coverage, especially in primary education, having increased considerably. The system is now faced with the substantial challenge of raising the overall quality of education and increasing coverage at the post-secondary and tertiary levels, while...
At a time when a number of major Latin American economies, including Brazil and Venezuela, are heading toward recession, Mexico’s economy stands out in the region for its resilience. The country is expected to maintain a solid economic performance in 2015 and beyond, with the IMF estimating GDP growth of 3% and 3.3% in 2015 and 2016, respectively.
Economic update | Two additional years of schooling raises capacity concerns in the Philippines
Long-planned reforms to extend the length of schooling in the Philippines by two years are expected to significantly improve employment prospects for the country’s younger generations, while also creating investment opportunities in private education.
Miles de estudiantes de alto rendimiento provenientes de los vecindarios más pobres de Colombia pronto podrían tener la oportunidad de asistir a las mejores universidades del país, luego de que el gobierno decidiera seguir adelante con sus planes para ofrecer más de 40 mil becas académicas en los próximos años.
La educación promete seguir siendo un punto focal de la agenda del gobierno mexicano, con el nombramiento de un nuevo secretario de Educación a fines de agosto y reformas sectoriales destacadas en el discurso de la cuenta pública del Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto a fines de septiembre.
Articles & Analysis | Costs a concern as demand expands in Kuwaiti education from The Report: Kuwait 2015
Education is set to witness rapid change, with reforms deemed a priority given the role of the sector in the drive towards a diversified economy in line with Kuwait Vision 2035, the country’s long-term development strategy. As such, efforts are well under way to implement new curricula and assessment methods. At the same time, favourable...