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Au Maroc, la consommation d’électricité est en progression constante et devrait doubler d’ici 2020. Les importations d’énergie font pression à la fois sur la balance commerciale et sur le déficit budgétaire. Pour faire face à ce problème, le gouvernement travaille à la mise en place des projets ambitieux visant à augmenter les capacités de production d’électricité du pays.
Dubai is to change the way it powers itself, having announced a long-term plan to diversify the emirate’s energy sector away from dependence on imported gas and towards a broad-based mix of fuels for its power stations. However, that energy security could come at a cost.

Jordan’s massive stores of oil shale have been the topic of much discussion lately, with investors keen to help the kingdom harvest the energy locked in the layers of rock underfoot.

With a radical overhaul of its energy sector planned, Brunei Darussalam is looking to ramp up production at the wellhead while expanding downstream activities through a long-term programme that is intended to quadruple national revenue and boost employment.
A medida que las dificultades económicas ensombrecen a la mayor parte del hemisferio norte, los inversionistas centran cada vez más su atención en los vastos y relativamente intactos recursos del Perú. Sin embargo, recientes cortes de energía, particularmente en algunos centros mineros e industriales en el norte, han puesto sobre tapete nuevamente la necesidad de desarrollar la infraestructura energética del país.
Having established itself as the world’s leading supplier of liquefied natural gas (LNG), Qatar is now looking to bring a new processing facility online to support a projected jump in local industrial activity.

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