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Chapter | Legal Framework from The Report: Morocco 2020

This chapter introduces the reader to the different aspects of the legal system in Morocco, in partnership with Dentons Sayarh & Menjra Law Firm. It also contains a viewpoint with Omar Sayarh, Managing Partner; and Mehdi Megzari, Partner, Dentons Sayarh & Menjra Law Firm.

Chapter | Tax & Accountancy from The Report: Morocco 2020

In conjunction with Ernst & Young, this chapter explores the taxation system and Morroco’s efforts to build an investor-friendly environment. It also contains an interview with Abdelmejid Faiz, Tax Partner, EY Maroc.

Chapter | Health & Education from The Report: Morocco 2020

Morocco’s growing insured population and middle class is likely to incentivise additional investment in private health facilities and pharmaceutical...

Chapter | Tourism from The Report: Morocco 2020

Morocco’s geographical variety, combined with favourable weather conditions and its proximity to key European tourist markets, have made it one of the most attractive and competitive destinations in Africa. The country’s attractiveness as a tourist hot-spot has been strengthened by its consistently stable political and economic situation relative to the region. Like most critical sectors in...

Chapter | Agriculture & Fisheries from The Report: Morocco 2020

The agriculture sector has grown...

Chapter | ICT from The Report: Morocco 2020

Greater promotion and adoption of digital solutions has the potential to shift the backbone of the kingdom’s ICT sector beyond...

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