
Displaying 79 - 84 of 393

Chapter | Health & Education from The Report: Cote d’Ivoire 2019

A renewed focus on health has brought with it a number of improvements. The authorities have rehabilitated hospitals and health centres, developed technical...

Côte d’Ivoire has returned to economic growth after stabilising its political situation in 2011. The economy has grown at a rate of 9% per year since 2011, in part due to the emergence of its burgeoning industrial sector. As one of the fastest-growing African economies, with an annual GDP growth rate forecast at 7-7.5% in 2019, Côte d’Ivoire is now promoting sustainable and inclusive growth.

Chapter | Education & Health from The Report: Myanmar 2019

Since Myanmar’s democratic transition began in 2011, the education sector has undergone a significant transformation under successive administrations. Higher government spending and the easing of restrictions on foreign investment in private schools have paved the way for increased enrolment rates and improvements in education infrastructure. Despite these developments, notable demographic and...

Although Myanmar has been faced with internal conflict, a new long-term economic agenda, alongside rising oil and gas prices and considerable growth in some manufacturing segments, are set to encourage increased foreign direct investment inflows into the country.

Chapter | Health from The Report: Oman 2019

In recent decades there has been a major improvement in the quality of health care in Oman. Rising living standards have greatly reduced the impact of contagious diseases, though the high rates of non-communicable diseases – common among many GCC countries – continue to climb. Despite feeling the impact of the fiscal austerity caused by low oil prices, the country’s health sector is poised to...

Following the global oil price drop in 2014, Oman – like the other GCC states – is pushing ahead with its long-term national development plans that seek to diversify the economy.

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