
Displaying 1423 - 1428 of 1804
Air traffic is rising steadily in Kuwait as the state continues to capitalise on growing volumes of international travellers, buoyed by heightened regional activity.

The wealth of the Nile River and its fertile banks and delta, together with Egypt’s location at the confluence of Africa, Asia and Europe, have made the country a valuable prize for centuries, as well as a centre of trade and ideas. 

Avec de nouvelles liaisons aériennes et une augmentation de la flotte, toutes les conditions sont remplies pour accroître de manière considérable la capacité de l’industrie du transport aérien en Algérie. Ce développement s’inscrit lui-même dans le cadre d’une vaste stratégie gouvernementale visant à stimuler les recettes de l’industrie du tourisme et à tirer vers le haut le nombre de visiteurs.
Several major highway and light-rail transit (LRT) projects set to be rolled out next year could finally ease serious congestion problems in the Philippines.

The development of road transport infrastructure is one area that can greatly contribute to economic growth in Gabon, mostly by providing access to the interior of the country, where many resources are still unexploited due to poor transport links. The government is aware of this potential and has prioritised the development of a road network to...

The development and maintenance of the road network is of major importance to Gabon in terms of the transport of people and goods, and connecting the mining and agriculture industries in the interior to export points on the coast. Up until 2012, road maintenance had fallen under the purview of the Second Generation Road Maintenance Fund (Fonds d’...

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