This chapter includes the following articles.

The Peruvian insurance market as a whole returned to profitability in 2018, following losses and anaemic expansion over the course of 2016 and 2017. Underwriters enjoyed the most robust returns in the life segment, particularly in personal income annuities, which have come into high demand among new retirees as reinvestment vehicles for pension withdrawals. Furthermore, overall claims fell significantly against indemnities paid out in 2017, when the El Niño climactic phenomenon precipitated widespread damage to residential and agricultural properties in the north of the country. Even as the insurance penetration rate remains low vis-à-vis uptake among Peru’s South American neighbours, the sector is expected to drive growth in the wider economy, as coverage for earthquakes, fires and other accident liabilities grows alongside investments in mining and construction. This chapter contains an interview with Jorge Ramos, CEO, Sura (Peru).