This chapter includes the following articles.

Oman’s economy benefits from large oil and gas reserves, including a sizeable new gas field that began production in late 2017. Located between Asia and Africa – and adjacent to major international shipping routes – the sultanate’s geographic location also makes it a natural regional logistics and manufacturing hub. The authorities are seeking to leverage such advantages in order to diversify the economy and reduce its reliance on hydrocarbons production, particularly in light of the fall in the price of oil over the 2014-15 period. The consequent decline in oil revenue negatively affected growth, as well as government accounts and finances. However, the authorities have so far been able to fund the deficit without difficulty through international borrowing. Furthermore, a partial oil price recovery in 2017 and 2018, as well as moves by the government to cut expenditure and boost revenue, are reducing immediate pressure on finances. This chapter contains an interview with Khalifa Al Barwani, CEO, National Centre for Statistics and Information.