This chapter includes the following articles.
Education & Research

Ensuring access to education has been a prime objective for Morocco over the past couple of decades, and recent indicators show significant progress. This comes on the back of major efforts to reform the education system through strategies such as the National Charter of Education 1999-2005 and the Emergency Plan 2009-12. The government has also maintained a high level of public spending on the sector. In the short to medium term, the public sector will remain the main provider in Morocco, while the private sector will continue to depend on political will to encourage its growth and attract more students. Collaboration between both sectors will be key to addressing capacity and quality shortfalls. Vocational training is also likely to continue playing a major role in providing an alternative to mainstream education, as well as in putting new graduates into a market where needs for qualified labour are constantly evolving.
This chapter contains an interview with Hervé Biausser, President, CentraleSupélec and Vice-President, Ecole Centrale Casablanca.