
Indonesia Banking

With a population of over 250m and the fourth-largest economy in Asia, Indonesia is one of the world’s biggest potential banking markets. Growth in profitability, loans and assets has been stronger than in other ASEAN countries, although an economic slowdown in 2015 and early 2016 curbed sector growth before an upswing in 2017. The Indonesian market has historically been – and continues to be – highly profitable in comparison to more developed economies. The banking sector still offers plenty of untapped potential and room for competition, leaving opportunities for higher margins and new product development.

This chapter contains interviews with Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, President Director, Bank Mandiri; Jahja Setiaatmadja, President Director, BCA; Suprajarto, President Director, Banks Rakyat Indonesia; and Batara Sianturi, CEO, Citi Indonesia; and Chairman, International Banks Association of Indonesia.

Cover of The Report: Indonesia 2018

The Report

This chapter is from the Indonesia 2018 report. Explore other chapters from this report.

Interviews & Viewpoints

Sketch of Batara Sianturi, CEO, Citi Indonesia; and Chairman, International Banks Association of Indonesia
Batara Sianturi, CEO, Citi Indonesia; and Chairman, International Banks Association of Indonesia: Interview

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