This chapter includes the following articles.
Health & Education

Though the Egyptian health care system is character¬ised by a pluralistic mix of public facilities, it has been strained by rapid population growth and relatively low levels of funding. Consequently, most Egyptians opt for private facilities, fuelling high levels of out-of-pocket expenditure and increasing desire for private insurance. In response, the government has initiated several reforms aimed at improving quality and access to health care services for its population. Demand for medical equipment, pharmaceuticals and health care facilities are likely to follow, offering continued private sector growth and opportunity. In the same manner, Egypt’s burgeoning population and a high num¬ber of new entrants to Egypt’s education system have generated growing demand for facilities. However, strain on the public system has led to challenges in producing internationally competitive graduates. In an effort to improve the quality of its human capital, the government has begun to overhaul the pre-university education system and has opened the higher education segment to international universities. Additional funding and private sector support are required to assist the Egyptian government in achieving its targets. This chapter contains an interview with Mohamed El Kalla, CEO, Cairo for Investment and Real Estate Development.