A medida que las dificultades económicas ensombrecen a la mayor parte del hemisferio norte, los inversionistas centran cada vez más su atención en los vastos y relativamente intactos recursos del...
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Displaying 3973 to 3978 of 6094
Economic Update | Perú: Esperanza en la energía hidroeléctrica
19 Oct 2011
Economic Update | Maroc: Prévisions de croissance
18 Oct 2011
Un fort taux de croissance du secteur non agricole au premier semestre, auquel s’ajoutent des récoltes records, se sont traduits par une amélioration des perspectives de croissance du Maroc en 2011....
Economic Update | Brunei Darussalam: Boosting the nation’s health
17 Oct 2011
Faced with a steady increase in the incidence of diabetes, Brunei Darussalam’s health officials are stepping up efforts to counter the illness by boosting awareness programmes, deploying more...
Economic Update | Qatar: Processing power
17 Oct 2011
Having established itself as the world’s leading supplier of liquefied natural gas (LNG), Qatar is now looking to bring a new processing facility online to support a projected jump in local...
Economic Update | South Africa: Projections for property
14 Oct 2011
While its long-term potential may remain strong, particularly with a broadly positive macroeconomic outlook, the short-term future of South Africa’s property market is looking slightly more arduous....
Economic Update | Mongolia: Strengthening the regulatory regime
14 Oct 2011
Mongolia is tightening regulation of its financial services industry in preparation for an expected wave of foreign direct investment, with reforms improving supervision of the banking sector and...