Thanks to growing global demand for plastics in 2011, Kuwait’s petrochemicals companies reported improved financial results last year. Moreover, the sector looks set to expand, with the government...
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Displaying 3715 to 3720 of 6094
Economic Update | Kuwait: Petrochemicals resurgence
27 Mar 2012
Economic Update | Turkey: Trading up
26 Mar 2012
The recent announcement of plans for the establishment of new free trade agreements (FTAs) with Malaysia and South Korea in the first half of 2012 will likely lead to a significant increase in trade...
Economic Update | The Philippines: Powering up
26 Mar 2012
News that the Philippines is set for higher electricity prices this year has sparked protest from legislators and consumers alike, but the rate increases could actually foretell their eventual...
Economic Update | Jordan: Ranking high in IT
26 Mar 2012
The recent ranking of Amman as one of the world’s top cities for internet start-ups has highlighted Jordan’s success in the IT sector. The list, compiled by Rachid Sefrioui, the founder of venture...
Economic Update | Mongolia: Ringing the changes
26 Mar 2012
Underlining the rapid evolution under way in Mongolia's telecommunications sector, the state-run, land-line telecoms provider is cutting back while the main mobile players are introducing new...
Economic Update | Maroc : le commerce de détail, un secteur qui monte en puissance
23 Mar 2012
Stimulée par une demande intérieure en hausse, l’utilisation de la carte de crédit – y compris les transactions effectuées en ligne- affiche une croissance à deux chiffres, contribuant ainsi à...