Papua New Guinea’s recent surge in natural resource projects has had a spin-off effect on other sectors, thus giving the country a positive near-term outlook for its economy, which is expected to see...
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Displaying 3661 to 3666 of 6094
Economic Update | PNG: Beyond the boom
20 Apr 2012
Economic Update | Perú: Conexiones de gas
20 Apr 2012
Las distintas iniciativas lanzadas este mes con el objetivo de expandir el suministro e infraestructura de gas natural y gas licuado de petróleo (GLP) son parte del creciente impulso para incrementar...
Economic Update | Thailand: Boosting agricultural quality
20 Apr 2012
A new set of agricultural strategies for the 2012-16 period were approved by the Thai cabinet at a meeting in mid-March, with much of the focus placed on improving food sustainability, promoting the...
Economic Update | Egypt: Regulating pharmaceuticals production
19 Apr 2012
The domestic pharmaceuticals sector has seen expansion in recent months on the back of a large and rising population, health promotion activities to reduce endemic disease and plans to revamp the...
Economic Update | Jordan: Tackling water shortages
19 Apr 2012
With a growing population and increasing demands on scarce natural resources, Jordan is hoping that a major desalination project will be instrumental in helping the Kingdom tackle its water shortages...
Economic Update | Qatar: On the rise
17 Apr 2012
Clocking the world’s highest growth rate in 2011, Qatar is maintaining expansion despite a difficult international economic climate clouded by the eurozone crisis and doubts over the sustainability...