While the automotive segment has been boosted by a solid rise in sales, driven by increased economic growth and consumer spending power, there is rising uncertainty over the long-term viability of...
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Displaying 3439 to 3444 of 6094
Economic Update | The Philippines: Automotive sector changing gears
24 Aug 2012
Economic Update | Panamá: Oportunidades de expansión
23 Aug 2012
Desde que Panamá obtuvo el control del Canal de Panamá, antes ejercido por los Estados Unidos, en 1999, la economía del país ha experimentado uno de los más rápidos crecimientos en Latinoamérica. El...
Economic Update | Indonesia: Mining reforms
23 Aug 2012
A flurry of new regulations in the mining sector over the past several months has made foreign investors cautious and threatened Indonesia’s status as a darling of emerging-market analysts. Although...
Economic Update | Oman: Islamic finance set to take off
23 Aug 2012
Islamic financial products, first authorised by the Omani government in 2011, are set to take off later this year, with the banking, real estate and insurance sectors all expected to see benefits....
Economic Update | Brunei Darussalam: Creative industry
23 Aug 2012
As the economy of resource-dependent Brunei Darussalam prepares for a future when its oil and gas reserves are depleted, policy makers are putting more emphasis on innovative areas of industry that...
Economic Update | México: Tiempos difíciles para las telecomunicaciones
22 Aug 2012
A pesar de haber registrado un fuerte crecimiento durante la última década, la industria mexicana de las telecomunicaciones todavía se encuentra luchando por alcanzar el nivel de penetración de sus...