The government is preparing the groundwork to give securities regulations an overhaul as part of Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) plans to enhance both its investment climate and international credit rating.
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Displaying 3211 to 3216 of 6094
Economic Update | Papua New Guinea: Bourse build-up targeted
14 Jan 2013
Economic Update | Indonesia: IPOs ride economic growth
11 Jan 2013
A flurry of initial public offerings (IPOs) planned for December and early 2013 highlight how firms in Indonesia are trying to harness bullish domestic and global confidence to fund plans for...
Economic Update | Tunisie : Relance du secteur de l’immobilier
11 Jan 2013
Si la Tunisie a encore du chemin à parcourir avant de remettre son économie totalement sur pied, son secteur immobilier profite actuellement d’un regain d’intérêt de la part des investisseurs. Les...
Economic Update | Oman: Regulating Islamic finance
11 Jan 2013
The recently released Islamic Banking Regulatory Framework (IBRF), a 500-page document setting out the regulations that will govern Oman’s financial sector, is set to open the door for both...
Economic Update | Perú: Evaluación del año 2012
10 Jan 2013
Un reciente aumento en el pronóstico del crecimiento del PBI del Perú para el año 2012 reafirma la evolución económica de más de una década que ha tenido este país. A pesar de que las exportaciones...
Economic Update | Brunei Darussalam: Year in Review 2012
10 Jan 2013
While overall growth in Brunei Darussalam’s economy slowed in 2012, expansion in the non-oil and gas sector suggested that some of the Sultanate’s diversification efforts are gaining traction and...