The government is working hard to keep telecoms investment from leaving the country and expand the sector’s role in domestic employment, particularly as the short-term economic outlook looks set to...
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Displaying 3199 to 3204 of 6094
Economic Update | Jordan: Fourth telecoms provider?
17 Jan 2013
Economic Update | Bahrain: Housing push to expand construction sector
17 Jan 2013
Still high on Bahrain’s agenda is to bridge the shortfall in affordable housing through a mix of increased funding and greater involvement by the private sector. The twin benefits are seen as...
Economic Update | Indonesia: Year in Review 2012
16 Jan 2013
Lower-than-expected economic growth for 2012 in Indonesia has been widely attributed to uncertainty in the global economy, with rising domestic demand and investment levels set to back growth in 2013...
Economic Update | Côte d’Ivoire : Bilan de l’année 2012
16 Jan 2013
Suite à la crise post-électorale qui a paralysé l’économie ivoirienne au premier semestre 2011, en 2012 la Côte d’Ivoire a connu une année de transition au cours de laquelle les indicateurs...
Economic Update | Algérie : Bilan de l’année 2012
16 Jan 2013
Alors que l’économie Algérienne doit encore faire face à certains problèmes structurels, elle a néanmoins obtenu de bons résultats en 2012, malgré une inflation à la hausse et la récession qui frappe...
Economic Update | South Africa: Year in Review 2012
15 Jan 2013
The exacerbation of some of South Africa’s more intractable economic weaknesses – including contentious labour relations and tensions and uncertainty within the ruling African National Congress (ANC...