The regulator of Bahrain’s telecommunications sector recently announced plans to unlock additional radio spectrum to improve speed and availability, news that has been much welcomed by sector players...
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Displaying 3085 to 3090 of 6094
Economic Update | Bahrain: Broadening the telecoms spectrum
15 Mar 2013
Economic Update | Gabon : Priorité à l’habitat urbain
15 Mar 2013
Après les importants retards enregistrés au cours des dernières années, on assiste enfin à des progrès en matière d’immobilier urbain et dans les projets d’infrastructure liés au logement, ce qui...
Economic Update | India: Aviation prepares for lift off
14 Mar 2013
A ruling by India’s government last September to end more than a decade of protectionism in the aviation industry is expected to bring new investment to the sector and offer a lifeline to some of its...
Economic Update | Egypt: Currency woes
14 Mar 2013
Still in a difficult transition period following its revolution, Egypt’s politics are in a state of flux. One of the most persistent challenges over the past two years has been maintaining currency...
Economic Update | South Africa: Lean times for construction
13 Mar 2013
Despite the potential of a massive infrastructure-spending programme by the South African government to spur growth for the construction industry local contractors are grappling with delays in...
Economic Update | Tunisie : Les télécoms sur une trajectoire de croissance
13 Mar 2013
Une vague de projets est prévue dans le secteur des télécommunications en Tunisie, et le pays se rapproche des objectifs fixés dans le programme d’expansion. Afin de faciliter un accès accru aux...