Developing stronger ties between Jordan and Iraq was among the topics of discussion at the latest World Economic Forum (WEF) on the Middle East and North Africa, which was hosted by the Kingdom in...
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Displaying 2887 to 2892 of 6094
Economic Update | Jordan: Iraq reconstruction boosts trade
10 Jul 2013
Economic Update | Saudi Arabia: Government intervenes in cement market
10 Jul 2013
Major infrastructure projects and extensive plans to galvanise residential construction have fuelled demand for building materials in Saudi Arabia, prompting the government to intervene in the cement...
Economic Update | Colombia: Potencial de crecimiento en la industria aseguradora
9 Jul 2013
A pesar del sólido crecimiento macroeconómico y del aumento en los ingresos de la última década, la penetración de los seguros en Colombia sigue siendo baja. Se espera que los grandes proyectos de...
Economic Update | Mongolia: Another possible CHP5 delay
9 Jul 2013
Delivery of a key new 450-MW combined heat and power plant known as CHP5 continues to face implementation uncertainties, with competing projects likely causing a delay in the final investment...
Economic Update | Myanmar: Local bourse will open door to capital
8 Jul 2013
Access to financing in Myanmar has been traditionally limited to an elite stratum of companies closely linked to the government, with smaller businesses turning to family and friends for raising...
Economic Update | Dubai: Market upgrade in May 2014
8 Jul 2013
The recent promotion of the UAE to “emerging market” status could well boost capital inflows to Dubai, although the full effect of the change is likely to take some time to become apparent.