Los planes para reformar el sistema educativo de México fueron puestos en marcha a principios del mes de septiembre, momento en el cual ambas cámaras del Parlamento dieron su aprobación a las leyes...
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Displaying 2743 to 2748 of 6094
Economic Update | La reforma del sistema educativo mexicano
24 Oct 2013
Economic Update | La modernisation des ports marocains devrait dynamiser le trafic maritime
23 Oct 2013
Les efforts continus d’accroissement de la capacité des ports marocains et d’amélioration de leur efficacité ont contribué à faire décoller le trafic maritime ces derniers mois.
Economic Update | New hotels, facilities to boost Kuwait’s tourism market
23 Oct 2013
Recent data show that Kuwait’s tourism sector had a good summer, with its hotels outperforming those found in many other GCC markets. Both public and private industry stakeholders are keen to build...
Economic Update | Regional support braces Egypt while it works toward fiscal stability
23 Oct 2013
While Egypt has a number of appealing long-term fundamentals – including a large and growing population, broad export profile, strong manufacturing base, natural resources and huge potential tourism...
Economic Update | Le projet gabonais d’assurance maladie pour tous entre dans sa phase finale
22 Oct 2013
Un système de santé unique et universel, voué à terme à assurer la population gabonaise toute entière, continue d’étendre sa couverture.
Economic Update | Fuel for Thailand’s future
22 Oct 2013
Energy consumption in Thailand is set to jump by 75% over the coming two decades as the economy expands and a more affluent society takes to the roads in increasing numbers, according to a new report...