Entre los años 2012 y 2013, el Perú experimentó un descenso significativo de la Inversión Extranjera Directa (IED), tendencia que se espera continúe al menos hasta el año 2014. La caída registrada...
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Economic Update | Disminuye la Inversión Extranjera Directa en el Perú
12 Aug 2014
Economic Update | Oman’s tourism industry poised for boom
12 Aug 2014
Sustained growth in Oman’s tourism industry is expected on the back of rising interest in the destination together with favourable economic conditions driving up disposable income and improved...
Economic Update | Nigeria takes to bond markets to finance investment
8 Aug 2014
Debts markets in Nigeria have traditionally been dominated by sovereign issuances, but as demand for African bonds continues unabated, an increasing number of Nigerian banks are looking to tap into...
Economic Update | Merger plans set to transform Malaysian banking sector
8 Aug 2014
Plans by three of Malaysia's biggest lenders to merge into the country's largest bank conglomerate have thrown a spotlight on the health of the industry.
Economic Update | New power and water projects launch in RAK
8 Aug 2014
A renewed focus on developing the tourism and industrial sectors has driven a construction boom in Ras Al Khaimah (RAK) and led to the development of a host of industrial, residential, commercial and...
Economic Update | L'Union européenne durcit les contrôles sur les fruits et légumes importés du Maroc
7 Aug 2014
Ces quelques derniers mois, l'adoption d'un nouveau système de prix d'entrée pour les fruits et légumes importés dans l'Union européenne (UE) a suscité une vive inquiétude chez les producteurs et...