With gains in the Bahraini real estate market demonstrating a gradual return of investor and developer confidence, a drive to restart work on long-delayed residential developments is likely to give...
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Displaying 2191 to 2196 of 6094
Economic Update | Bahrain introduces measures to spur property growth
14 Apr 2015
Economic Update | Indonesia tackles education improvement
13 Apr 2015
Investment in education is high on the agenda in Indonesia, but the high number of difficult to access rural areas across the archipelago is hampering the reform process.
Economic Update | La Côte d’Ivoire lance un nouvel eurobond
13 Apr 2015
Malgré un renforcement du dollar, la solide reprise qu’enregistre la Côte d’Ivoire et les forts taux de croissance globale ont su restaurer la confiance des investisseurs ces dernières semaines,...
Economic Update | Dubai extends IT push
7 Apr 2015
Demand for IT services in Dubai is set to soar over the coming decade, underpinned by strong demand for both software and hardware products.
Economic Update | Papua New Guinea eyes cocoa expansion
6 Apr 2015
A drive to strengthen the cocoa industry in Papua New Guinea is helping local growers draw a line under a difficult few years as rising international demand looks set to aid recovery.
Economic Update | L’Algérie s’oriente vers une valorisation de sa production agricole
31 Mar 2015
Des prix du pétrole en repli, auxquels s’ajoute une volonté d’améliorer la sécurité alimentaire, ont incité l’Algérie à accélérer ses réformes agricoles dans les cinq prochaines années.