Le soutien financier de la Chine, constitué d’investissement privé et de prêts préférentiels, devrait aider le Gabon à mettre en place une série de projets dans le domaine des infrastructures au...
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Displaying 1501 to 1506 of 6094
Economic Update | Soutien de la Chine aux infrastructures de transport gabonaises
30 Dec 2016
Economic Update | Kuwait to invite proposals on a number of PPP projects
30 Dec 2016
The government of Kuwait is continuing its drive to encourage private sector investments, having recently announced plans to invite proposals on several large-scale, public-private partnership (PPP)...
Economic Update | Philippines Year in Review 2016
29 Dec 2016
Accelerated growth, backed by rising spending on infrastructure and domestic demand, were the hallmark of the Philippines’ economy in 2016, though offshore political and economic uncertainties could...
Economic Update | Kenya looks to private sector to boost electricity provision
29 Dec 2016
A national drive to provide 100% of Kenya’s population with electricity by 2020 and reduce load losses is gaining momentum, steered by a multi-billion-dollar project pipeline.
Economic Update | Côte d’Ivoire Bilan de l’Année 2016
29 Dec 2016
L’avancement de plusieurs vastes projets d’infrastructures a contribué à faire de 2016 la sixième année consécutive de forte croissance économique en Côte d’Ivoire, en flagrant contraste avec les...
Economic Update | Malaysia Year in Review 2016
29 Dec 2016
Despite falling revenue from a weaker commodities market and concerns over political uncertainty, Malaysia’s economy maintained a steady growth rate in 2016, though expansion may come under pressure...