Last month Saudi Arabia’s General Authority of Zakat and Tax (GAZT) released the final implementing regulations to legislation governing the new GCC-wide value-added tax (VAT).
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Economic Update | Saudi Arabia nears introduction of GCC-wide value-added tax
25 Oct 2017
Economic Update | Reforms to Kuwait’s health sector aim to reduce expenditure in face of shifting demographics
25 Oct 2017
As part of the New Kuwait 2035 development strategy unveiled in January, cost-cutting measures have begun to take hold in the health sector.
Economic Update | Papua New Guinea’s self-sufficiency drive offers openings for agri-industry
24 Oct 2017
After being returned to office following general elections in Papua New Guinea earlier this year, the government of Prime Minister Peter O’Neill has stepped up its drive to improve food...
Economic Update | Construction d’une nouvelle usine de dessalement et d’une conduite d’eau potable pour faire face à la pénurie d’eau à Djibouti
24 Oct 2017
Deux projets visant à renforcer les ressources en eau de Djibouti participeront au développement de secteurs clés, tout en répondant aux besoins immédiats de la population locale.
Economic Update | Indonesia looks to build on recent tourism growth
23 Oct 2017
A more diverse product offering and a broadening of the destination base are at the centre of a new campaign to attract investment to Indonesia’s rapidly growing tourism sector.
Economic Update | Mejoras crediticias y acuerdos de libre comercio para estimular el crecimiento del sector automotriz en Colombia
23 Oct 2017
A pesar de la caída en la actividad de algunas áreas en lo que va de año, el sector automotriz de Colombia puede estar listo para repuntar en el nuevo año, con una baja en las tasas para préstamos,...