How has the GCC petrochemical industry been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic?
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Displaying 37 to 42 of 164
Economic View | Abdulwahab Al Sadoun, Secretary-General, Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association (GPCA)
27 Apr 2021
Economic Update | Can higher education institutions shape the Gulf’s post-Covid-19 economy?
17 Mar 2021
As Gulf countries look to rebound from the disruption of 2020, higher education institutions are playing a key role in meeting the needs of the region’s post-coronavirus economy.
Economic Update | Middle East: Economic Year in Review 2020
17 Dec 2020
– Economies in the region were hit by reduced trade volumes and lower oil prices
– Governments launched extensive stimulus packages to stabilise their economies
– Short-term recovery will be tied to...
Economic Update | How will Covid-19 affect Gulf diversification efforts?
18 Nov 2020
While many Gulf nations were already working to diversify their economies prior to the coronavirus pandemic, the subsequent economic downturn and collapse in oil prices has meant that governments in...
Economic View | Makarem Batterjee, President, Saudi German Hospitals Group
13 Jul 2020
How do you rate Saudi Arabia’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic, and what are the next steps for the country’s health services?
Economic Update | How can Gulf airlines persuade coronavirus-wary passengers it is safe to fly?
25 Jun 2020
As countries within the Gulf begin a gradual easing of Covid-19-related movement restrictions, the revival of the region’s aviation sector has come into focus. Effective recovery strategies will rely...