Indonesia is transforming from a resources- and consumption-based economy to a more manufacturing- and investment-oriented one, working to build an industrial base that will allow it to reduce its dependence on imports and keep more value within the economy. Following his inauguration in October 2014, President Joko Widodo quickly took a number of vital and positive steps that so far are increasing opportunities for foreign direct investment.
Articles & Analysis | Turkey awaiting new income tax law to provide greater clarity from The Report: Turkey 2015
Tax systems have a high level of impact on economic development. One of the topics criticised in Turkey is the failure to use tax to serve development to the desired level. Therefore, the authorities need to be aware of how tax policies can be used as an effective tool in rapid, fair and balanced development attempts, and introduce the necessary regulations to that...
Articles & Analysis | A look at how Turkey's tax laws treat corporations from The Report: Turkey 2015
At present there is no definitive definition for corporations under the law and there are no defined criteria. However, it is possible to draw some conclusions making use of applicable provisions from the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102 and various other regulations as outlined below.
Articles & Analysis | Turkey in need of better tax incentives to encourage investment from The Report: Turkey 2015
Countries around the world have been making significant attempts to further direct foreign capital investment. In a globalised economy, the degree of foreign investment that a country attracts can have a significant multiplier effect, contributing to technological advances, employment opportunities and the ability to invest more in welfare.
This chapter examines the tax environment in Turkey, looking at a pending new income tax as well as how the tax law deals with corporations. It also includes an analysis on the various ways that Turkey’s investment climate could be improved in the context of taxation.
Despite some recent turbulence, Turkey has strong fundamentals that underscore its potential for long-term economic growth. With a young population of 77.7m, a strategic location within four hours’ flying time of 1.5bn consumers and a diversified economy, the country has much to offer investors.