While the economic downturn in neighbouring Europe affected Turkey’s automotive industry negatively in the years after 2008 – as its largest export market shrank – 2013 saw some signs of a recovery north of the border, with a concomitant boost to European sales. European car sales grew in 2014 and early 2015, with the vast majority of Turkey’s automotive exports destined for...
Articles & Analysis | Turkey's automotive sector sees increase in investment, output and exports from The Report: Turkey 2015
Interviews & Viewpoints | Bora Yalınay, CFO, Ülker: Interview from The Report: Turkey 2015
What does Ülker’s $550m syndication loan, secured in November 2014, indicate for the potential of the industry and retail sector in particular and for Turkey as a whole?
Chapter | Industry & Retail from The Report: Turkey 2015
Turkey’s industrial sector includes a wide variety of manufacturers, primary producers and traders, responsible between them for a sizeable share of the country’s GDP. Steel, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, electrical and electronic equipment, building materials, cars, jewellery and clothing are all major export earners and magnets for international investors. All have benefitted from – and,...
Despite some recent turbulence, Turkey has strong fundamentals that underscore its potential for long-term economic growth. With a young population of 77.7m, a strategic location within four hours’ flying time of 1.5bn consumers and a diversified economy, the country has much to offer investors.
Economic update | Le secteur du commerce de détail marocain reflète une prospérité croissante et une évolution des comportements
Au Maroc, les activités commerciales de détail s’effectuent pour plus des trois quarts d’entre elles par le biais de petits commerces ou de détaillants issus du secteur informel, mais on observe actuellement un début de changement qui se traduit par un accroissement de l’immobilier commercial et le développement sur le marché marocain de grandes enseignes étrangères.
Interviews & Viewpoints | M. Oyunchimeg, CEO, Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry: Interview from The Report: Mongolia 2015
What changes would the private sector like to see in terms of the business environment?