• Real Estate

    OBG’s real estate market analysis includes detailed information about supply and demand in the residential, commercial and retail segments. We cover major development projects by local and international investors and examine changes in the regulatory framework and bank lending practices.
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While a significant nomadic population still pushes its herds across the steppe, young adults in Ulaanbaatar use fibre-optic networks to access the internet. Heir to the legacy of Chinggis Khan, Mongolia is fast emerging as a land rich with economic potential – a country that is seeking growth while also working to preserve its unique national culture. 

Chapter | Construction & Real Estate from The Report: Mongolia 2013

Mongolia’s real estate sector is likely to feature fast-rising rents, land values and sales prices for at least the next several years. Per capita GDP is forecast to triple by 2016, creating a jump in buying power that will add to an already short supply of homes in the capital. Thus Ulaanbaatar seems poised to experience major price hikes. There is an increasing demand for housing as the...

As housing remains one of the most important segments in Oman’s real estate sector, financing plays a critical role in the development of the overall property market. A number of lending changes, such as lower interest rates and simplified loans processes, are making it easier for Omanis to own a home, and this should have positive effects...

While Oman’s property market remained relatively slow in 2011, the sector is showing signs of steady growth. Factors influencing the favourable trend include improved financing for housing as well as general economic growth across the sultanate. Widespread salary increases in 2011 were greatly considered an additional element behind the...

Si la Tunisie a encore du chemin à parcourir avant de remettre son économie totalement sur pied, son secteur immobilier profite actuellement d’un regain d’intérêt de la part des investisseurs. Les chiffres le montrent : les investissements directs étrangers (IDE) sur les dix premiers mois de l’année 2012 ont presque retrouvé leur niveau d’avant la révolution.
Le gouvernement ivoirien s’est fixé comme priorité l’hébergement de ses citoyens, mais afin d’atteindre cet objectif, il va devoir renforcer les solutions de financement offertes tant aux acquéreurs qu’aux promoteurs immobiliers, et ce, notamment pour le marché bas de gamme. Compte tenu de la pénurie de logements, estimée à 400 000 logements, et de l’urbanisation rapide que connaît le pays, l’Etat s’est engagé à encourager les projets immobiliers.

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