Over the years, large-scale public and private projects have dominated the activities of the Malaysian construction sector, driven by governmental and investor efforts to implement successive five-year plans aimed at becoming a developed nation. The 11th Malaysia Plan (11MP), covering 2016-20, focuses on transforming the construction sector, among other economic areas. Detailed under four main...
Chapter | Construction & Real Estate from The Report: Malaysia 2016
Malaysia is enjoying uninterrupted momentum in attracting investment and trade flows destined for South-east Asia. As a leading trading nation it has the necessary infrastructure and determination to compete and partner with its ASEAN neighbors to create a more sustainable growth model.
Economic update | Les OPCI, ce futur vecteur de croissance de l’immobilier commercial au Maroc
Le lancement de nouveaux véhicules d’investissement contribue à raviver la croissance du secteur de l’immobilier commercial au Maroc.
Egypt’s residential real estate market has recorded impressive results thanks to persistently high demand.
A l’approche des élections générales prévues fin août, le gouvernement du Gabon entend accélérer le rythme des constructions de logement social pour résorber son important déficit en la matière.